A Guru is necessary. The spiritual path is beset with many obstacles. The Guru will guide the aspirants safely and remove all sorts of obstacles and difficulties.
Guru, Isvara, Brahman, Truth and Om are one. Serve the Guru with intense devotion. Please him in all possible ways. Have the mind fixed on Guru as the Atman. Obey him implicitly. His words must be gospel truths for you. Then only you will improve. You will get his Grace. There is no other way.
You will have to deify your Guru. You must superimpose all the attributes of Isvara and Brahman on him. You must take him as an actual God incarnate. You should never look into his defects. You should see only the Divinity in him. Then only you will realise Brahman in and through the Guru.
The physical form of the Guru will slowly vanish. You will realise the all-pervading Atman in and through him. You will see your Guru in all forms, animate and inanimate.
There is no other way for overhauling the vicious worldly Samskaras and the passionate nature of raw, worldly-minded persons than the personal contact with and service of the Guru. An aspirant who, with great devotion, attends on his Guru in his personal services, quickly purifies his heart. This is the surest and the easiest way for self-purification.
Swami Sivananda
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