Purification of mind is the first part of Yoga-practice In everyone there are still various impurities of the mind. There are subtle evils lurking in the crannies of one's mind. Unless the barriers of subtle jealousy, subtle hatred, and evil desires are surmounted, one cannot attain the fullness of Knowledge, Enlightenment and Glory.
God-consciousness or communion with the Lord is the acme of ethico-religious discipline of Yoga. Ethical development is more difficult than the attainment of intellectual eminence. The truths of Life, the Knowledge of God can only be grasped and attained by that Yoga student who possesses a pure and untainted heart. Conquer your internal and external nature. Fight against the dark antagonistic evil forces through remembrance of God and meditation.
Abandon all sorts of wrong beliefs, weaknesses, superstitions, wrong notions and ideas of impossibilities. Have a wide outlook on life. See God in everything, in every face. Give up all that is false and untrue. Lead a life of virtue and happiness. Stick tenaciously to your principles and ideals.
Live a simple, vigorous and active life. Melt all illusory differences. Destroy sex-obsession by constantly thinking of the Truth that is sexless and bodiless Reality. Cheer up your spirit. Have perfect trust in God. Be sincere. Serve all with love. Exert. Apply yourself diligently and ignite the spiritual dynamo within. You will have immortal Life, infinite peace and absolute Happiness.
by Swami Sivananda
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