In this iron age or the Kali Yuga, Name of the Lord is the support for a man to cross this
ocean of Samsara. There is an indescribable power (Achintya Sakti) in the Name. This Sakti takes man to the Lord.
Of the various kinds of penances, in the form of action or austerity, the constant
remembrance of Krishna is the best. (Vishnu Purana II-Chap. VI verses 134-135).
Those who meditate on the form of Lord Krishna may repeat mentally the Mantra: Om
Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Vasudeva is another name for Lord Krishna. It means:
“All-pervading intelligence.”
Bow down to Lord Narayana and utter the words ‘Jaya Narayana.’ Do mentally Japa of
“Om Namo Narayanaya.” Do eight lakhs of this sacred Mantra. This will form one Purascharana.
Then do Haven. Feed the Brahmins and the poor people. You will have wonderful spiritual
Japa of OM and Mahavakyas such as ‘Aham Brahma Asmi’ will strengthen Vedantic
Samskaras, purify the Chitta and eventually lead to the attainment of knowledge of Self.
Every Mantra should be preceded by Pranava or OM.Omkara gives full life to the Mantra.
All Mantras have equal potency or Power. It is quite incorrect if you say one Mantra is
superior to another. You can attain God-realisation by doing Japa of any Mantra. Valmiki attained God-consciousness by repeating even Mara-Mara. Some people think that OM or Soham is superior to Om Namassivaya or Om Namo Narayanaya. This is also wrong. The state gained by doing Japa of OM or Soham can be attained by doing Japa of Sri Rama or Radheyshyam also.
Rama or OMis a veritable sword for destroying the Rakshas-mind. It is a true boat to cross
this vast ocean of Samsara. It is a strong weapon for conquering this world. It is a fire (Jnana-Agni or the fire of wisdom) to burn ignorance, this body, the Samskaras and the Vasanas. It is the incantation or Mantra for awakening the Soul. It is amagic band to soothe the shattering nerves. It is the “open sesame” to open the infinite realms of eternal Bliss and supreme peace. Hold this mysterious sword, break all links with the world and destroy the bonds of Karma and mind, annihilate ignorance, crush the tendencies and enter boldly the vast domain of illimitable joy and eternal sunshine.
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