Name and Nami are inseparable. Remember His Name. Chant His Name. Sing His Name.
Glory to His Name. Victory to His Name, which blesses us for ever and confers immortality,
supreme peace and eternal bliss.
Constant repetition of the Names of the Lord (Japa, Smarana) is an easy means for crossing the ocean of mortal Samsara or earthly existence. This is more suitable for the householders.
Meditation is different from Japa. Japa is the repetition of any Mantra. When the mind is
made to dwell on the form of your Ishta Devata as well as on the Divine attributes, such as
Omnipotence, Omniscience, etc., it is called meditation.
made to dwell on the form of your Ishta Devata as well as on the Divine attributes, such as
Omnipotence, Omniscience, etc., it is called meditation.
You should cultivate Bhakti or devotion if you want to attain success in Mantra Yoga.
Bhakti Yoga and Mantra Yoga are interblended. They are inseparable.
That man who does not repeat the Lord’s Name lives in vain. It is better to die than to live
without His Name.
without His Name.
He who does Japa of any Mantra must lead a virtuous life. Then he will realise the maximum
benefits of the Mantra.
Japa and Dhyana are more important than Asana and Pranayama.
You should not doubt the teachings of the scriptures. Flickering faith will lead to downfall.
Aman of weak will, who has no faith in Japa, cannot expect to have progress in the spiritual path. If he says: “I am practising ‘Who am I? enquiry,” this is all wild imagination. Few are fit for the ‘Who am I?’ enquiry.
Repeat any Mantra of a Devata you like best and feel its influence on the mind and the body
and its revelations. This is better than mere study of books. Books, doubtless, will help you and
throw much light. But what is wanted is real Sadhana or practice. Observance of Brahmacharya,
truthfulness, Ahimsa, right conduct, recourse to Sattvic diet are necessary during the practice.
There is rhythm in the repetition of a Mantra. Rhythm is metre. Rhythm is flowing motion.
Rhythm is harmony of pronunciation and proportion. Rhythm is recurrence of accents. This rhythm causes harmony in the practitioner. The hypnotic rhythm of Mantra repetition causes stillness in the mind.
If you feel very weak, you can stop the practice of Asanas for some time. But Japa should be
continued at all times. It is a mental and physical tonic, besides a purifier and giver of Moksha.
Karmas have to be purged out. An eager aspirant gets all sorts of diseases, because he is hurrying up for union with the Lord. Many evil Karmas have to be exhausted or worked out. Aspirants should be absolutely fearless. Disease is a messenger from God. Disease is a guest of this house, body. Diseases are tests to try the sincerity of the aspirant. Seekers after Truth should have unshakable, unflinching, unswerving faith at all times, in all conditions of life. They should not be discouraged. Regular study of the Ramayana, Japa with Dhyana, morning and evening walks, should be regularly practised.
continued at all times. It is a mental and physical tonic, besides a purifier and giver of Moksha.
Karmas have to be purged out. An eager aspirant gets all sorts of diseases, because he is hurrying up for union with the Lord. Many evil Karmas have to be exhausted or worked out. Aspirants should be absolutely fearless. Disease is a messenger from God. Disease is a guest of this house, body. Diseases are tests to try the sincerity of the aspirant. Seekers after Truth should have unshakable, unflinching, unswerving faith at all times, in all conditions of life. They should not be discouraged. Regular study of the Ramayana, Japa with Dhyana, morning and evening walks, should be regularly practised.
Kamal got a severe scolding from his father Kabir for prescribing Ram Nam for a merchant,
to be repeated twice for curing leprosy. Kamal asked the merchant to repeat Ram Nam twice and yet he was not cured of this disease. Kamal reported to his father about the incident. Kabir was very much annoyed and told Kamal: “You have brought disgrace on my family by asking the merchant to repeat Ram Nam twice. Repetition of Ram Nam once is quite sufficient. Now ask the merchant to stand in the Ganga and repeat Ram Nam once from the bottom of the heart.” Kamal followed the instructions of his father.
to be repeated twice for curing leprosy. Kamal asked the merchant to repeat Ram Nam twice and yet he was not cured of this disease. Kamal reported to his father about the incident. Kabir was very much annoyed and told Kamal: “You have brought disgrace on my family by asking the merchant to repeat Ram Nam twice. Repetition of Ram Nam once is quite sufficient. Now ask the merchant to stand in the Ganga and repeat Ram Nam once from the bottom of the heart.” Kamal followed the instructions of his father.
The merchant repeated Ram Nam once only with Bhava from the bottom of his heart. He
was completely cured of leprosy. Kabir sent Kamal to Tulasidas. Tulasidas wrote Ram Nam on a
Tulasi leaf and sprinkled the juice over 500 lepers. All were cured. Kamal was quite astonished.
Then Kabir sent Kamal to bring the corpse that was floating in the river. Sur Das repeated Ram Nam only once in one ear of the corpse, and it came back to life. Kamal’s heart was filled with awe and wonder. Such is the power of God’s Name. My dear friends, my educated college youths, my dear barristers, professors, doctors and judges! Repeat the name of the Lord with Bhava and Prema from the bottom of your heart and realise supreme bliss and immortality this very second.
1 comment:
// Om Shri Hanumate Namah: //
Thank You for this nice Website. As I am a Hanuman Devotee, my favourite mantra is the Hanuman Chalisa.
You can Download Hanuman Mnatras, Pictures, Hanuman Chalisa (Music + Text) and other Mp3-Bhajans at:
YouRs SinCereLy M!sTer CrippLeD SaM
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