Japa is a marvellous divine soap for the mind. Japa gives a nice refreshing, exhilarating spiritual bath. It wonderfully washes the subtle body or Linga Sarira or astral body. It cleanses it of its various kinds of impurities. Japa purifies the heart. Japa steadies the mind. It destroys the Shad Ripus. It destroys births and death. Japa burns the sins. Japa scorches the Samskaras. Japa annihilates attachment and induces Vairagya. Japa roots out all desires and makes one fearless. Japa removes delusion and gives supreme peace. Japa develops Prema and unites the devotee with the Lord. Japa gives health, wealth, strength and long life. Japa brings God-consciousness. Japa awakens Kundalini and bestows eternal bliss.
Santosha (contentment), Santi (peace of mind), balance of mind, inner spiritual strength, fearlessness, absence of irritability of mind are some of the signs of spiritual progress. These are the fruits of practice of Japa of any Mantra.
When Allopathy, Homeopathy, Chromopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda and other ‘pathies’ fail to cure a disease, the Divine Namapathy alone can save you. Name of the Lord is a sovereign specific, a sheet anchor, an infallible panacea and a cure-all for all diseases. It is an ideal or supreme ‘pick-me-up’ in gloom and despair, in depression and sorrow, in the daily battle or the struggle for existence.
Name of the Lord is the seed of the tree of spirituality. It is the destroyer of the impurities of
the mind. It bestows supreme peace, eternal Bliss and infinite Knowledge. It infuses divine love in the hearts of the reciters. It is the fountain-head of all happiness. May that Name, the giver of
Immortality, remove all your fears and bring solace and supreme joy to all!
Name of Sri Rama is sweeter than the sweetest of objects. It is a haven of peace. It is the very
life of pure souls. It is the purifier of all purifying agencies. It quenches the consuming fire of
worldly desires. It awakens the knowledge of God which is dormant in our hearts. It bathes the
aspirant in the ocean of divine bliss. Glory to Sri Rama and His Name!
The most heinous sins of men disappear immediately if they remember the Lord even for a
moment. (Vishnu Purana VI, 8-10).
There is a mysterious power in the Name. There is an inscrutable Sakti in God’s Name. All
the divine potencies are hidden in Lord’s Name. It is a cream or quintessence of Chyavanaprash,
Makaradhvaja, almonds, Vasantakusumakara or Svarna Bhasma or gold oxide. It is a mysterious ineffable divine injection ‘1910194’.
There is no true happiness for him or her here and hereafter who has forgotten the Lord.
There is no real peace for him who leads a selfish life and who separates himself from others on
account of pride and egoism. Constant remembrance of the Lord will eradicate all miseries and
sorrows and will confer immortality, bliss and peace on the devotee. Self-sacrifice will destroy
selfishness and egoism. Self-sacrifice is the only shortest route to divine union.
The divine Name will eradicate the disease of birth and death and bestow on you Moksha,
liberation or Immortality.
Name of the Lord is a potent unfailing antidote for those who are bitten by the serpent of
Samsara. It is a nectar (Amrita) that can confer Immortality and perennial peace. Yama is terribly afraid of those who repeat the Name of the Lord. He cannot approach them. Markandeya, son of Mrikandu, attained eternal life through repeating the Name of Lord Siva. He realised the Supreme and fearless state.
A Bhakta repeats the Mantra of the Lord during Puja, worship, and touches his heart, his
head, tuft of hair, arms and hands. There is Chaitanya in every letter of the Mantra. Through
repetition of the Mantra and touching the parts of the body with repetition of the parts of the Mantra, the aspirant is gradually divinised. There is spiritual awakening. Spiritual currents are generated. Tamas and Rajas are destroyed. He is filled with pure Sattva. He becomes identical with the object of worship. He attains the same world of, or proximity with, or the same form of or absorption into, the Lord.
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