The way of Divine Life, which leads to the progress of inner spiritual unfoldment, is the way of selflessness and service, devotion and worship, withdrawal of the mind from externals, concentration and meditation. It is the way of ceaseless inquiry—“Who am I?” and “What am I?” It is the way of affirming: “I am not this body, I am not this mind, I am not this intellect, I am that innermost Being, the supreme Self, the Atman, nameless, formless, unborn, undecaying, deathless, imperishable, eternal One, I am That, That I am,—Sat-Chit-Ananda am I.”
So, based upon a life of truth, purity and goodness, simplicity and humility, good conduct and character, self-restraint and freedom from desires, the life spiritual is having God as the sole goal in the midst of all activities and duties dutifully done. Ever keeping in mind the great goal, remembering God constantly with love and faith, seeing His presence in all things and doing all things in a spirit of worship, progress through selflessness and service, devotion and worship, concentration and meditation and ceaseless Atmic enquiry attain the supreme blessed state of God-consciousness of Divine experience and Self-realisation.
That state will bestow upon you the experience, the consciousness: “I am the Supreme, I am the Sat-Chit-Ananda Atman. I am Existence-Consciousness-Bliss-Absolute, I have no old age, I have no death, I have no restlessness or motion, I have no fears, I have no sorrows, I am the Immortal One, I am Bliss, I am Peace.” That experience, which triumphs over all things, is the supreme, ultimate, victorious experience, attaining which one is filled with joy. “Anandoham, Anandoham, Brahma-Anandoham—I am bliss, I am bliss, I am Supreme bliss,”—one exclaims. Attaining this, one is victorious over all circumstances, all situations, all dualities and triumphs over everything.
Awake! Come! Arise! and move towards this great experience. Do all that is necessary to unfold the flower that is within. Let the bud that is closed blossom to make the seed spin up into life and rise up into the tree of Divine experience. You must work for it.
This realisation is already within you. It is there. It is like a locked box in which there is a priceless diamond of unparalleled beauty and the key is not to be found. You have to open the box to possess the diamond. Even so, this eternal Perfection is dormant within you. You are That already. Even as I talk and you listen, you are Existence-Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute. You are the ever perfect Atman. You are Sat-Chit-Ananda Consciousness. That is your true consciousness. This is Divine Life.
Swami Chidananda
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